Home Tesla Stock Higher As Elon Musk Plans Gigafactory Expansion in Texas

Tesla Stock Higher As Elon Musk Plans Gigafactory Expansion in Texas

Elon Musk looks set to shovel more money into the ‘gigantic money furnace’ of his’red-on’ $300 billion plan to pay back the country’s debt to the Bank of China and the US government.

The billionaire, along with others like the other billionaires, will be given the green light to step down in a private meeting.

He has a proposal that could include an auction that could raise more than $600 million for a group of billionaires with global influence.

A source close to the billionaire told Bloomberg News that a planned auction, held in the White House for a total of more than $300bn, would be scheduled to be held on Sunday.

The billionaire wants an auction to be held the next few years to give his firm “incentives” to pay back some of the debt.

The bank will also ask the US government to allow US billionaires to have access to the private auction.

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